
PCT National Phase Procedures in Japan
Due date for filing translations of international application documents:
Two years and six months (30 months) from the priority date.
Grace period for filing the translations is two months (2 months) from the date of fling a national form paper which has to be filed on or before the above-mentioned due date.
Documents required for preparing the translations:
(1) Specification as originally filed
(2) Claim as originally filed, or
Claim amended under PCT Article 19
In case there was an amendment to the claim filed with the International Bureau in time, a copy of the amendment is required. In this case, under Article 184-4 para. 2 of the Patent Law, it is possible to file a translation of the amended claim in place of the originally filed claim.
(3) Drawings
(4) Abstract
(1) Amendment to the written application (PCT form)
If there was made an amendment after filing with the receiving office, a copy of the amendment or your comment thereon is available.
(2) International Publication (WIPO publication)
A copy of the Publication is available for confirming the originally filed application documents.
(3) International search report and cited references
These are not necessary for preparing and filing translations of the international application documents.
(4) Amendment to claim made under PCT Article 34
It is not possible to file a translation of the claim amended under PCT Article 34 in place of the originally filed claim.
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